The Genre Analysis Of Perspective.

The genre of perspective is fantasy, particularly sci-fi fantasy. Our inspiration for the aesthetics was movies like Ironman (The Art of VFX: Iron Man 3, 2013) and spiderman homecoming (Loffhagen, M, 2017). My aim with this blog is to analyze and compare the aesthetics of spiderman homecoming’s HUD to the one we made for our movie. Furthermore, I will justify genre and narrative using the same reference.


(Spiderman HUD,n.d.)

This is one of the shots that inspired the creation of our visual effects shots. The visual elements in the film help the character to better understand the technology in action. From a film point of view, according to the creators of the head-up display elements (Spider-Man Homecoming, n.d.), there are two different types of displays that help the character. they are tied to the story and the situation of the character. The use of such elements is common in a fantasy sci-fi movie such as spiderman homecoming, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017). (n.d.).

This movie also tells the story of a kid who is exploring his potential while turning into a superhero. The excitement of the character is clearly visible throughout the movie when he discovers all the technology that is available to him.

Comparing this to our film, we how a similar narrative, with the kid searching for something special, Screenshot (210).pngScreenshot (211).png

then finding something curious.Screenshot (212).png

Then his imaginations take over and the visuals are aiding us to show how he sees himself as a superhero and blasting targets. Screenshot (216).pngScreenshot (213).pngScreenshot (214).png

The onlookers have no idea what is happening. The visuals and the saturated colours are only seen by the kid. This was done to emphasize the contrast between how normal people see the world and how it is different from kid’s imagination and the saturation fits the genre according to an article by M., Risk. (2016).Screenshot (215).pngScreenshot (217).png

The idea of perspective from the beginning was to show this contrast. The visual effects and elements enhance the narrative and the genre following inspirations from similar movies like spiderman homecoming.


M., Risk. (2016). How to Use Color in Film: 50 Examples of Movie Color Palettes. Retrieved from
Loffhagen, M. (2017, May 25). ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’: Every Piece of Tech in Spidey’s Stark… Retrieved from
Spider-Man Homecoming. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017). (n.d.). Retrieved from
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017). (n.d.). Retrieved from
Spiderman HUD [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Art of VFX: Iron Man 3. (2013, April 23). Retrieved from


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